Welcome to AMDA, the voice of decentralized utility companies and minigrid developers across Africa.

Africa is the world’s least electrified continent. Nearly, six hundred (600) million people in Africa live without access to electricity. To end energy poverty by 2030, Africa needs at least 160,000 minigrids. Decentralized utility companies and minigrids provide the least cost option for electrification for more than half of the unelectrified people in Africa. AMDA is an industry association created by private sector minigrid developers and operators, development partners and investors interested in improving political and financial environments for minigrid companies in Africa. AMDA’s work involves accelerating minigrid companies’ pathway to scale and profitability to end energy poverty by 2030. Today, AMDA represents over forty-four (44) companies that are operating minigrids across twenty-two (22) countries in five (5) regions on the continent.

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